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12 New Year’s Resolutions for Outstanding Oral Health

December 29, 2015

As your family gears up for the New Year, you may be thinking about what changes you’re going to make in 2016. While learning a new language, exercising more, or eating healthier are all great ideas, everyone can benefit from adopting healthy oral hygiene habits! If your kids are looking to come up with their resolutions for the year, help them adopt healthy habits that will benefit them throughout their lives. For outstanding oral health and a lifetime of beautiful pearly whites, consider adding some of the following to your family’s list of resolutions for the New Year:

  1. Brush at least twice a day
  2. Drink fluoridated water
  3. Visit your dentist
  4. Gargle with mouthwash everyday
  5. Get a new toothbrush every few months
  6. Wear a mouthguard during sports
  7. Floss everyday
  8. Eat more fruits and vegetables
  9. Cut back on soda
  10. Limit sugary foods
  11. Chew sugarless gum
  12. Smile more

Let 2016 be the year your family kicks their oral hygiene into gear! The earlier your kids adopt a healthy oral hygiene routine, the better. Turning some, or all, of the listed resolutions into daily habits will help your family minimize issues with tooth decay, gum disease, and plaque build-up. Since proper oral care starts at home, it’s important to encourage healthy oral hygiene everyday so that your family can fight cavities and keep teeth strong for years to come. To schedule an appointment for your child, contact us today.