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Back-To-School Dental Tips

August 1, 2016

The new school year is upon us and with that means stocking up on school supplies, the latest wardrobe, booster shots, and sports equipment. According to the American Dental Association, a dental checkup is just as important as your usual back-to-school prep. Tooth decay affects kids in the US more than any other chronic infectious disease and dental disease causes students to miss over 51 million school hours each year. To best prepare your child to have their greatest school year yet, don’t forget these items on your back-to-school checklist:

  • Dental checkups: Your child’s regular dental exams are important for diagnosing and treating dental problems before they become a serious issue. Your dentist may suggest fluoride treatments or sealants to help prevent decay and other dental problems to help save your child lost school time and pain.
  • Brushing and flossing: An excellent oral healthcare routine is the key to success. The start of a new school year is a great time to remember to grab a new toothbrush and stock up on floss and mouthwash. Consider buying several toothbrushes at a time to remember to change it out every few months. If you can’t remember, try to change it every time report cards come out.
  • Healthy foods: Choose healthy lunches and snacks for your child, including grains, milk, cheese, raw vegetables, yogurt, or fruit. As a family, it could help to cut back on sugary foods and soft drinks.
  • Sports mouthguard: Wearing a properly fitted mouthguard is critical to protecting your child’s teeth and gums during their favorite sport season.

As your Palm Harbor pediatric dentist, we want to prepare your child to have a healthy and successful school year! Our mission is to help your child achieve the cavity-free, healthy smile they can wear with pride. To learn more about how to help your child have healthy oral habits to last throughout their life, contact Dr. Maggie today.