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Don’t Forget the Mouth Guard!

August 15, 2016

When hitting the field or court, the best way to prevent injuries is to wear the proper protective gear. Each sport has their own set of rules for what’s required, but when it comes to dental safety, many sports skip the mouth guard. Though mouth guards help to protect the lips, cheeks, tongue, and teeth, 67% of parents admit that their children do not wear a mouth guard during organized sports. The mouth and face of a child can be easily injured without the proper safety equipment and those who don’t wear mouth guards are 60 times more likely to damage their teeth.

Not only do mouth guards protect the teeth and soft tissues in the mouth, they can protect kids from head and neck injuries such as jaw fractures and concussions. According to a study by the American Association of Orthodontists, 84% of kids choose not to wear a mouth guard because they’re not required. Though it may not be required by coaches or referees, kids should be wearing a mouth guard whenever he or she is at risk of falling or contact with other players or equipment. While we may think of football or hockey as some of the most dangerous sports for teeth, nearly half of sports-related mouth injuries occur in basketball and baseball.

Any mouth guard works better than no mouth guard, but choosing one that your child can wear comfortably is important. An effective mouth guard helps to hold teeth in place, resists tearing, and allows for normal speech and breathing. There are several options for mouth guards, including a “boil-to-fit” mouth guard, which can be found in most sporting good stores, or custom mouth guards that can be provided by your dentist. As your Palm Harbor pediatric dentist, we want your kids to enjoy their favorite sports while also keeping their pearly whites safe! If you have questions about the best mouth guard for your child, contact us or talk to Dr. Maggie during your next appointment.