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Dental Sealant Fact or Fiction

September 5, 2016

Sealants are a great way to prevent decay in cavity-prone areas of your mouth. They’re made up of a plastic resin coating and placed in the tiny grooves and pits in your teeth similarly to white fillings, but without the coloring. How well do you know your dental sealant fact from fiction?

Dental sealants are just for kids. Fiction. Sealants are beneficial to anyone who wants them. The risk of tooth decay begins early, so children and teens are great candidates for preventative sealants.

Cavities are the most common childhood disease. Fact. According to the CDC, cavities are still the most common chronic disease in children ages 6 to 19 years old. Sealants are a great way to prevent cavities before they start.

Sealants are expensive. Fiction. Sealants are an inexpensive way to prevent cavities and can even save you money from costly cavity repair in the long run!

Sealants make your teeth look funny. Fiction. Since sealants are invisible, no one will ever know you have them! They’re painted right onto your tooth enamel and bond into the grooves of the chewing surfaces on your back teeth. The sealants protect your enamel from plaque and acids.

Sealants are painful. Fiction. When your dentist applies a sealant to your tooth, you won’t feel a thing! As long as your sealant is intact, your tooth surface will be protected.

Remember, even though sealants protect the chewing surfaces of your teeth, brushing and flossing every day is still required to prevent cavities on other parts of your child’s teeth. Your child’s sealants typically last about 2 – 5 years, but they’ll need to be replaced or retouched periodically to make sure their tooth is protected. To learn more about dental sealants, or to schedule an appointment for your child, give Dr. Maggie a call today!