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Why Your Teen Should See a Pediatric Dentist

May 2, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 1:36 am
Teenage boy at the dentist

When your child was younger, a pediatric dentist seemed like the best option to care for their growing smile, but now that they have become a teenager, should they switch to a general dentist? The truth is that your teen can still benefit from seeing a pediatric dentist, and here’s why.

Their Teeth Are Still Growing

What is the difference between a child and an adult? They are still growing and developing! While they are probably looking and acting more like an adult, teens are still growing rapidly. Their baby teeth may be gone, but their jaw and face are continuing to change. Pediatric dentists are specially trained to monitor the growth and changes that are taking place throughout adolescence.

Orthodontics May Be Necessary

The early teen years are typically the best time to start orthodontic treatment. A pediatric dentist will be better able to spot early signs of issues so they can be addressed before causing more severe problems down the road.

Wisdom Teeth Development

The third set of molars, also known as the wisdom teeth, typically come in between the ages of 17 and 25. This can cause pain, crowding, and even decay. Because these teeth are in the very back of the mouth, they can be difficult to keep clean, making them the perfect spot for bacteria to grow.

Many people simply don’t have enough room in their mouth for their wisdom teeth, causing them to become “impacted.” This occurs if a wisdom tooth gets stuck beneath the gum or does have enough space to break through the gum. This makes them more vulnerable to disease, tooth decay, and other dental problems. A pediatric dentist pays extra special attention to what these molars are doing so they know if and when they need to be extracted in order to prevent future oral health issues.

Developing Responsibility

The teenage years are a key time for people to learn how to take care of themselves, and your teen’s pediatric dentist is here to help in this process. Pediatric dentists have lots of experience when talking to teens, so they are better able to relate to them. This is important when it comes to sharing helpful advice about anything, including oral care. They will continue to give helpful guidance to your son or daughter about how they can care for their teeth and what they need to avoid in order to prevent oral health problems as they get older.

Even though your child doesn’t seem like a child anymore, there are many reasons why it isn’t quite time to say goodbye to a pediatric dentist. This way, they can approach adulthood while giving their smile a head start!

About the Author

Dr. Maggie Davis is an experienced, Board-Certified Pediatric Dentist who has been helping growing smiles for over a decade. She earned her Doctor of Dental Medicine from the University of Florida and is a Diplomate in the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. She is also a member of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry, Florida Academy of Pediatric Dentists, and many more professional organizations. For more information or to schedule an appointment for your teen in Palm Harbor, visit her website or call (727) 786-7551.