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Back-to-School Tips to Prevent Dental Emergencies

August 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 10:13 pm

The first day of school is right around the corner! With summer coming to an end, parents are starting to prepare their kids for their return to the classroom. From buying school supplies to figuring out your child’s schedule, there are many things to be done this time of the year. It’s easy to get lost amid the back-to-school preparations, but there’s one you shouldn’t put on the back burner – your child’s oral health. Read on to learn a few helpful tips to prevent dental emergencies from a pediatric dentist in Palm Harbor.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Tooth decay is a serious issue that can make it difficult for your child to concentrate in school. Unfortunately, it often goes unnoticed by parents until it turns into a painful complication for your little one. The good news is you can help your child avoid these issues by taking the time to teach proper oral hygiene. Encourage them to brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and floss daily to ward off cavities and gum disease. 

Replace Your Child’s Toothbrush

Does your child’s toothbrush have frayed bristles? If so, you should consider replacing it with a new one. Using a toothbrush with worn-out bristles can do more harm than good, ineffectively removing plaque from around your child’s gumline. While shopping for school supplies, it’s a good idea to pick up some new toothbrushes for your little one. Keep in mind that you should be replacing their bristles every three months!

Offer Healthy Foods

When packing your child’s school lunch, be sure to count on healthy snacks and foods. Some excellent choices that benefit oral health include cheese, milk, grains, yogurt, fruit, and raw vegetables. For drinks, give your child a refillable water bottle or pack sugar-free beverages. If your little one prefers to eat at the cafeteria, review healthy food choices before the first day of school.

Ask Your Child to Wear a Mouthguard

It’s incredibly common for children to sustain injuries while playing contact sports like soccer, basketball, football, and hockey. If your child is particularly active in these activities, ensure they’re well-protected with a custom-fit mouthguard. It’ll keep their teeth and gums safe against dental injuries in case they sustain a blow to the face.

Schedule a Back-to-School Checkup

Everyone must visit their dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings to maintain good oral health. Before your child’s first day of school, you should make an appointment with their dentist. They’ll diagnose, treat, and prevent any oral health issues. With their help, your child can avoid unnecessary pain and missed school time down the line.

It’s almost time for your favorite student to head back to school in Palm Harbor. By following the tips above to prevent dental emergencies, you can help them kick things off right with a bright and healthy smile!

About the Practice

Dr. Maggie Davis & Associates do a little bit of everything in pediatric dentistry. Special-needs children are welcome, state-of-the-art sterilization is implemented, and there is an on-site orthodontist available. Our three dentists strive to provide world-class treatments in a calming manner. If you ever need a pediatric dentist in Palm Harbor to help with a dental emergency, Dr. Davis is very experienced in treating oral injuries and promises a relaxing environment to help your little one feel safe. Schedule an appointment on her website, but if it’s an emergency, call (727) 786-7551.