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Your Child’s First Dental Visit

October 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 1:47 pm
mom holding the baby for the child’s first dental visit

You can’t believe how fast time has gone by. One day, you’re holding a newborn, and pretty soon they’re crawling and trying solid food. Although you’ll miss your baby’s adorable gummy smile, you also love seeing their primary teeth grow in. But getting teeth means that your little one is now at risk for the most common childhood condition: cavities.

As a result, it’s time to think about your child’s first dental visit. But when should this happen? How does this first visit go? Why does it need to happen so early in life? Get answers by reading the content below!

When Should You Start to Bring Your Child to the Dentist?

It is widely recommended to begin dental visits about six months after your baby’s first tooth erupts, or usually by their first birthday. Remember that their teeth become exposed to various foods and bacteria while they eat, putting these vulnerable teeth at risk for cavities almost immediately after they arrive. Although brushing at home is a great habit to develop, so is bringing them to the dentist’s office.

If your child is older than one year old when they have their first dental appointment, don’t worry too much. It’s not too late to establish healthy habits and get back on track.

What Happens During Your Child’s First Dental Visit?

When your little one comes to the dentist’s office for the first time, the pediatric dentist will become familiar with your child. They will do everything they can to make your child feel comfortable. After a gentle dental exam, they will then address any inquiries you may have about their oral development, brushing at home, diet, and any other topic related to their growing smile.

Why Should Dental Care Start Early?

At first, your child may seem too young to bring to the dentist. They may only have a handful of baby teeth at most, and they may be antsy and energetic, as most little ones are, making an in-depth dental examination more challenging.

However, these early appointments are important because they establish a regular habit. Over time, your child will become accustomed to having a pediatric dentist inspect their teeth. Plus, early on, the visits give the dentist an opportunity to quickly look for decay and answer any of your questions about at-home care. As your child gets older and more able to sit still, cleaning their teeth will be added to their appointment.

As your child continues to grow and change, your pediatric dentist can be a valuable resource and expert. While they monitor your little one’s oral development and health, you can focus on enjoying their smile and teaching them habits they’ll need as they get older!

About the Practice

The team at Dr. Maggie Davis & Associates is proud to have board-certified pediatric dentists on staff. This means that our experts have undergone years of additional training in children’s dental issues and care. In addition, we are passionate about making children feel right at home and providing positive dental experiences with each appointment. If you would like to schedule your child’s first dental appointment, you may reach out to us online on our Contact Us page or call us at 727-786-7551.