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The Truth About Dental Sealants

June 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 1:52 pm
A little girl holding a set of fake teeth.

It can be hard to protect your child’s teeth from cavities caused by poor brushing habits. Whether they still don’t understand the importance of oral health, or they can’t quite reach every surface of the tooth easily, giving kids some extra help protecting their teeth can go a long way towards preventing decay.

Thankfully, dental sealants can provide an added layer of protection to some of those harder to reach spaces, helping to ward off cavities and keep tooth enamel strong. In fact, according to the CDC, kids without sealants have on average three times more cavities than kids who do have them.  If you’ve been considering getting dental sealants for your child, here’s some important information to help you make your decision.


Oral Health & Chlorine: How Swimming in a Pool Can Harm Teeth

June 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 7:58 am
Little kids swimming in a pool underwater

School is nearly out for summer vacation, so your kids are likely eager for sunny sun. They may try diving into the nearest swimming pool as soon as possible. Still, you should be cautious about where your family takes a dip. Swimming in a pool can harm teeth if you don’t act carefully. Luckily, your Palm Harbor pediatric dentist will help you reduce the risk. Read on to learn about chlorine, how it affects teeth, and ways to protect smiles from pool water.
