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Dr. Maggie Davis' Blog

Child’s Tooth Extraction: 4 Ways to Help Them Recover

September 14, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 6:36 pm
Little girl missing a tooth

A children’s tooth extraction in Palm Harbor may not be what you hoped to hear when taking your child to the dentist, but it’s now a reality. Whether it is damage or decay that is the reason for this procedure, you need to know how you can help them through the healing process once they’re back home. In preparation for the days and weeks following their tooth removal, here are four things you can do to ensure your child has a swift and successful recovery.  


Can My Oral Health During Pregnancy Affect My Baby?

August 11, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 2:09 pm
a pregnant woman holding her belly

Are you pregnant? Are you taking care of your oral health during this time? If so, good for you! However, if you are concerned about your less-than-stellar oral hygiene habits, it’s time to learn what problems can develop that may negatively impact you and your baby. A pediatric dentist is here to explain the importance of pregnancy oral care and what you can do to minimize your risk for many of the most common oral health problems.


You Asked, We Answered: When Should I Bring My Baby to the Dentist?

July 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 6:49 pm
Baby with toothbrush lying next to tooth-shaped blanket

To keep your child’s oral health in pristine condition from their first gummy grin to their beautiful smile in their senior portraits, biannual visits with their pediatric dentist are essential. After all, these appointments will monitor their development, keep an eye out for any dental problems, and ensure any issues that do arise (like tooth decay) are treated swiftly. But when should these bi-yearly visits begin? Keep reading for the answer!


Can My Child’s Oral Health Impact Their Academic Success?

July 3, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 11:46 am
little girl happy about her time at school

Depending on the age of your child, they may or may not be excited about another school year. For those who are younger, the idea of entering into a new classroom and learning new things can lead to much excitement, but if they are not properly prepared, they may not be set up for academic success. A children’s dentist explains the importance of a back-to-school checkup and cleaning and how your child’s oral health can either help or hinder their ability to perform effectively in school.


Is Swimming in a Pool Bad for Your Child’s Teeth?

June 18, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 2:44 pm
family of four swimming in a pool

Your son or daughter has been begging you to let them go swimming for months now, and since summer is here, the time is finally right. Before they dive in, though, you’ll want to take a few precautions. Just as you would make sure your little one puts on sunscreen where they go swimming, you should also consider another risk of chlorinated pool water: oral health problems. Is swimming bad for your child’s teeth? Read on as a pediatric dentist provides the answer and gives tips on how you can protect your kid’s smile.


Why Your Teen Should See a Pediatric Dentist

May 2, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 1:36 am
Teenage boy at the dentist

When your child was younger, a pediatric dentist seemed like the best option to care for their growing smile, but now that they have become a teenager, should they switch to a general dentist? The truth is that your teen can still benefit from seeing a pediatric dentist, and here’s why.


Banish Dental Anxiety with These Books About the Dentist

April 28, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 4:49 pm
Mother and daughter reading children's books about dental visits

Is your child feeling a bit nervous about their upcoming dental appointment? They’re certainly not alone! Plenty of children and adults suffer from dental anxiety. In fact, you may be feeling a bit anxious about your little one’s upcoming visit yourself if you don’t know what to expect. Thankfully, reading children’s books about dental visits with your little one can go a long way in helping you both feel more prepared! Here are a few great choices to get started.


The Truth About Juice: What Is It Doing to Your Child’s Smile?

April 7, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 2:05 pm
a young girl wearing a denim romper holding two bottles of juice and smiling

Is your refrigerator stocked full of various juice flavors? Does your child constantly ask for the delectable taste of strawberry, apple, or mixed berry? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many parents find themselves in the same predicament. While you may buy natural fruit beverages thinking they are the “safer” option, the truth is that they are not. A pediatric dentist explains what happens to your child’s teeth when they begin consuming juice of any kind and why water is always a better option.  


Show Your Child’s Smile Some Love

February 14, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 5:32 pm
smiling girl holding a heart

With pink and red hearts everywhere, it can only mean one thing—Valentine’s Day is here! February is most known for this holiday celebrating love, but did you know that it is also Children’s Dental Health Month? Lifelong dental health needs to start early so that by the time children become adults, oral healthcare is already engrained. In this post, you’ll learn about why dental health matters and how you can show your little one’s smile some love!


4 Facts Every Parent Should Know About Their Baby’s Teeth

January 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 8:12 pm
Baby with two bottom teeth emerging

From birth plans to sleeping schedules, there is a lot that goes into caring for the newest member of your family. And when you lock eyes with them and see their little, gummy smile for the first time, you know all the sleepless nights and endless preparation is worth it. Keeping their baby teeth in pristine condition throughout the years comes with its own set of do’s and don’ts, which many parents often forget. Fortunately, you can keep reading for four must-know tips to prevent that job from becoming overwhelming!

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