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Dr. Maggie Davis' Blog

At What Age Can My Child Whiten Their Teeth?  

November 4, 2019

Are you thinking about whitening your child’s teeth? Many parents become concerned as their children start to lose their bright white baby teeth, and yellow or dull white adult teeth emerge. Our pediatric dentist in Palm Harbor wants you to know that this is perfectly normal. Adult teeth aren’t typically as white as baby teeth. With that being said, if your child’s teeth are exceptionally dark or stained, there are things you can do.

Wait Until Your Child Is at Least 15 Years of Age Before Purchasing Any Teeth Whitening Products

Our kids’ dentist in Palm Harbor recommends waiting until your child is at least 15 years of age before allowing them to use any tooth whitening products. All tooth whitening products contain a certain percentage of a bleaching product, usually hydrogen peroxide. This can lead to tooth sensitivity and damage to the enamel if it is used on adult teeth before the enamel completely hardens and matures, which can take up to two years after the tooth has erupted. To be completely safe, it’s best to wait until your child turns 18 before purchasing whitening products.

Choose the Right Oral Hygiene Products and Supervise Your Child’s Brushing

While your child is still young, it’s best to focus on purchasing the right oral hygiene products and making sure your child is brushing all of his or her teeth for the recommended amount of time; usually at least three minutes twice a day. This means purchasing an age-appropriate toothpaste, toothbrush, floss, and children’s mouthwash. Most tooth staining on a child’s teeth occurs to due improper brushing where food particles may not be completely removed. After your child brushes his or her teeth, you may want to examine your child’s teeth and/or brush them again, depending on your child’s age. Most parents stop strictly supervising their child’s brushing around the age of seven, but it’s okay to periodically supervise in order to make sure your child is still brushing, flossing, and rinsing their teeth properly.

Limit Stain Causing Foods

Certain foods and drinks can also temporarily stain your child’s teeth, like red and blue fruit juices, as well as fresh and frozen berries. If the food or drink can temporarily change the color of your child’s tongue, they can also change the color of your child’s teeth. Our dentist recommends limiting the amount of stain-causing foods that your child eats and ensuring that your child drinks a full glass of water after eating berries or other treats that can stain the teeth. This can help wash away some of the food particles. For extra stain-fighting protection, you can also encourage your child to brush his or her teeth about 30 minutes after meals and snacks. Brushing after meals not only reduces the potential for staining, but it can also help deter cavities and tartar build-up.

Get Professional Dental Cleanings from Our Pediatric Dentist Near Me in Palm Harbor

Along with good oral hygiene, it’s important to get pediatric dental checkups and teeth cleanings every six months. Dental checkups and teeth cleanings can help reduce your child’s chances of getting a cavity and developing early stages of gum disease. Professional teeth cleanings remove all the stains and tartar from your child’s teeth, which can help make them appear whiter and brighter.

Get an Examination from Our Palm Harbor Pediatric Dentist

If you are concerned about your child’s dull, stained, or yellow adult teeth, our Palm Harbor pediatric dentist would be happy to examine your child’s teeth and gums. In many cases, an extra professional teeth cleaning and some tooth polish can make a drastic improvement in the color and appearance of your child’s teeth. If that’s not enough, our kids’ dentist can recommend some other methods that are less harsh than professional teeth whitening trays.

To schedule your child’s next appointment with our kids’ dentist, contact us at 727-786-7551.

Best Ways To Limit Sugar This Halloween

October 7, 2019

For kids, one of the best nights of the year is Halloween. After all, they get to dress as their favorite scary character or favorite cartoon character and walk around the neighborhood collecting bags and buckets of delicious candy. Unfortunately, all that sugar can lead to cavities and oral health problems. In order to limit the amount of harm caused by eating lots of sugar, our children’s dentist in Palm Harbor developed some tips and tricks to limit your child’s candy intake this season.

1. Consider Purchasing Candy As Well As Other Fun Items

Children and adults love Halloween because it can be considered a good excuse to eat as much candy as you and your kids want, and it all starts with purchasing candy to hand out to the kids who come to your door. If you’re like most families, you’ll eat a lot of that candy before Halloween night. Instead of purchasing all candy, consider purchasing candy and other items that are not food. Our dentist in Palm Harbor recommends purchasing tiny and low-cost activity books, packs of stickers, and other fun items to hand out along with candy. You’ll not only be doing your kids a favor, but you’ll also be helping the neighborhood kids eat less candy.

2. Inspect All Your Kids’ Candy For Tampering And Remove The Worst Candy

Some types of candy are worse for your kids’ oral health than other types of candy. At the end of the night, as you inspect every piece of candy for tampering and safety, remove the worst candy, including hard candy and candy that is extra chewy and sticky, like anything with caramel or cream fillings, taffy, and gummy bears.

3. Limit Your Children’s Candy Intake

Instead of handing your kid’s bags and buckets back to them after you inspect it, consider handing out only a few pieces of candy. Our dentist recommends giving your kids no more than five pieces of candy on Halloween night. This will satisfy their excitement and limit their sugar intake. For the rest of the week, only give them a couple of pieces of candy a day.

4. Consider Acting Like The Switch Witch

The Switch Witch trades candy for toys, and it can be a tradition in your household. While the traditional Switch Witch involves contacting a Switch Witch online prior to Halloween, you don’t need to visit the website or create an email to be your own magic candy switcher. Simply purchase a few Halloween themed toys in secret prior to the big night. Then, create excitement with your kids by telling them that a special Halloween guest will give them toys in relation to how much candy they collect. While your children are asleep, swap out most of their candy for fun toys.

5. Eat Candy After Meals

There are good and bad times to eat candy. The worst way to eat Halloween candy is to substitute it for breakfast. This is because the bacteria in your mouth and your kids’ mouths explode overnight, and adding candy can make the situation worse. Instead, consider allowing your kids a couple of pieces of candy after lunch or after dinner as a form of dessert. This is because there are already food particles on the teeth and saliva production has already increased, which can help reduce the amount of sugar that stays in the mouth.

6. Encourage Brushing After Eating Candy

Once your children have consumed their candy, encourage them to brush their teeth and floss 30 minutes after their last bite. This helps remove sugar and candy particles that may be sticking to your child’s teeth and help against wearing down their enamel. If you are out somewhere where your kids cannot immediately brush their teeth, have them drink a glass of water after eating their candy. This will help rinse sugar from their mouths.

Limit Sugar Intake After Halloween With a Pediatric Dental Checkup

After Halloween, consider scheduling a dental checkup and teeth cleaning with our children’s dentist in Palm Harbor. A dental checkup can locate cavities and tooth decay early so that it can be treated before it results in discomfort for your child. It also removes all the plaque and tartar from your child’s teeth and below the gum line.

To schedule a dental appointment with our pediatric dentist, contact us online or call us at 727-786-7551.

Is Dental Sedation Safe For Children?

September 4, 2019

Is your child extremely anxious about visiting the dentist? Do you have a special needs child that has difficulty sitting still for dental appointments? If you are looking for a pediatric dentist near you in Palm Harbor, Dr. Maggie Davis offers completely safe sedation dentistry to help kids relax during their dental appointments for certain procedures. While your child is sedated, our dental professionals continuously monitor your child to ensure their safety.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry is beneficial for helping your child feel relaxed and calm during his or her dental appointment, especially if the treatments are going to take a long time to complete. Sedation also ensures a pain-free appointment where your child won’t be distracted or resistant to the treatments. Additionally, procedures typically get accomplished faster with sedation dentistry due to your child not constantly squirming in their chairs. Sedation dentistry is also recommended for special needs children who may not understand why they are at the dentist or have the ability to sit still for an extended period of time.

Ensuring Sedation Dentistry Safety

Our pediatric dentist in Palm Harbor, Dr. Maggie Davis is committed to ensuring your child’s safety before, during, and after all sedation dentistry appointments. This means that prior to giving your child any type of sedation medication, we will always:

  • Talk to you about your child’s health, dental anxiety, fear, and pain tolerances
  • Talk to your pediatrician to make sure your child is healthy enough for sedation dentistry
  • Monitor your child while he or she is sedated
  • Have the appropriate medical professionals on-site

Types of Sedation Dentistry Offered by Our Dentist for Children

Our dentist for children in Pam Harbor offers three types of sedation dentistry: nitrous oxide, oral sedation, and IV sedation. The type of sedation offered by our dentist depends on your child’s age, anxiety levels, and overall health.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide is also known as laughing gas. It is the mildest form of dental sedation. We recommend nitrous oxide for children who experience anxiety or fear while at the dentist. Once your child starts inhaling the mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen, the effects take hold within a few minutes. This medication will help your child relax and increase his or her tolerance for discomfort. Once the dental procedures are complete, the nose mask is removed, and your child will recover from the gas relatively quickly. It’s important to note that your child will remain awake while under the effects of the nitrous oxide.

Oral Pediatric Dental Sedation

Oral pediatric dental sedation involves giving your child medication by mouth. The medication will help your child relax and put them in a groggy state, but will not put them to sleep. We recommend oral sedation for children who have special needs, are developmentally delayed, or for children who are too young to understand or tolerate the dental procedures. While your child is sedated with oral medication, our staff will continuously monitor their vitals to ensure safety. As an additional precaution, we will also talk to your child’s pediatrician prior to your dental appointment in order to ensure your child is healthy enough for the medication and not allergic to any of the ingredients.

IV Dental Sedation

IV dental sedation is the deepest form of sedation we offer at our dental office in Palm Harbor. This type of sedation does not put your child into a deep sleep, like would be needed for surgery. Instead, they are in a deep twilight state that may result in them nodding off, but they can be woken with a light tap. During this type of sedation, we bring anesthesiologists and nurses into our office to administer the IV sedation and to monitor your child. When they arrive, they bring hospital sedation machinery and monitoring equipment with them, and the medical team never leaves the room while your child is under IV sedation. We recommend IV sedation for special needs children and children who are significantly developmentally delayed or who are too young to fully cooperate with instructions during the dental appointment.

To schedule your child’s sedation dentistry appointment in Palm Harbor, contact our office at 727-786-7551.

Dental Care and Treatments for Special Needs Children

August 1, 2019

With myriad medical needs and behaviors to manage, parents of special needs children may put their oral health on the back burner.

While this is certainly understandable, children with disabilities or complex medical conditions are twice as likely to have unmet dental needs than children without special needs. There are many reasons for this. Fine motor delays can prevent some children from performing adequate oral care. Sensory issues can make the simple act of brushing a challenge for other kids. Medical conditions make some kids more susceptible to dental problems. Additionally, visiting a pediatric dental specialist for routine care may be next to impossible for some.

However, it’s vital that parents make oral health visits to a pediatric dentist a priority for their children. Here are some tips to help you set up your child up for a lifetime of good dental health.

Start Early

Find a dentist for children early on. The sooner your child starts going to the dentist on a regular basis, the easier it will be to establish a routine. Find a pediatric dentist that allows your child to take a tour of the office. Bring your child to the office for a walk through, and let him or her examine the spinning toothbrushes and take a ride in the dental chair. Gaining familiarity with the office helps to lessen anxiety for both the child and the parent.

Talk To Your Dentist

You’re the expert on your child’s unique needs, so take time to explain things to your dentist. Dental professionals will be glad to meet with you in advance of your child’s appointment to discuss the best path forward for your child. For instance, according to the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network, patients with autism do well when they see the same staff and the same dentist at every appointment. Therefore, build that expectation into your child’s dental treatment plan. By maintaining open lines of communication and clear expectations between parent and dentist, the outcome for your child will be significantly improved.

Ask For Advice

As a pediatric dentistry office in Palm Harbor, Dr. Maggie Davis, and her staff can offer much more than routine cleaning and exam. They can talk to you about your child’s needs. Where does he or she need help? Is he or she struggling in one particular area of oral hygiene? We can point you to tools and products that could help. From floss holders to specialized fluoride rinses, we’re experts in adaptive dental aids for special needs kids.

At Home Care

Good oral care starts at home. If your child won’t let you brush their teeth, start by brushing his or her lips. Work your way up to brushing inside your child’s mouth. If he or she is resistant to a toothbrush, use a soft washcloth to gently wipe away dirt and food particles. Try a water flosser to clean between your child’s teeth if he or she won’t use dental floss. Limit snacks and sugary drinks to prevent decay and damage to the teeth and gums. Encourage your child to drink lots of water to rinse food particles from his or her mouth.

Patience With Your Special Needs Child

Just because your child is resistant to oral care, don’t lose hope! Keep trying, and take baby steps on the path to establishing a good oral routine. Don’t get frustrated and recognize the process may take time. We have tons of excellent resources for improving your child’s oral hygiene, so be sure to ask for help if you need it.

At Dr. Maggie Smith’s pediatric dentistry office, we are accustomed to serving special needs kids and welcome them at our practice. We look forward to talking with you about your child’s unique needs and helping you establish a positive relationship with our dentist. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

How Will Tooth Bonding Change My Child’s Smile?

July 2, 2019

Does your child have chips, cracks, or cavities that are affecting the appearance of his or her teeth? Dental bonding can improve the appearance of your child’s teeth and help them feel better about themselves. It can also eliminate tooth pain from any unfilled cavities.

Understanding Tooth Bonding

Tooth bonding is a minor cosmetic procedure that’s designed to fix small imperfections in the teeth, including cracks, chips, small gaps between the teeth and small cavities. The tooth bonding material is a composite resin that is tooth-colored, which means once it’s placed and cured, it looks just like your child’s other teeth. In other words, tooth bonding will improve your child’s smile and help them feel more confident about their appearance. You may even notice that your child smiles more often in order to show off their beautiful teeth.

Benefits of Pediatric Tooth Bonding

Pediatric tooth bonding is a painless way to improve the appearance of your child’s teeth. It’s also minimally invasive. If it’s used to fix cracks and chips, no local anesthetic is required. The procedure has many benefits like:

  • Each Tooth Takes a Maximum of 60 Minutes.
  • It Fixes Minor Tooth Imperfections.
  • It’s Completely Safe for Your Child.
  • It Lasts Between Three and Seven Years.
  • It’s Typically Considered Preventative and May Be Covered by Your Dental Insurance.

Tooth Bonding Procedure

The process starts with an examination of your child’s teeth and gums to locate any potential oral health issues, like cavities and dental decay. Next, your dentist identifies the teeth that would benefit from tooth bonding. This can include any teeth that are misshapen, cracked, chipped, small or that have yellow or white stains. If the bonding material is going to be used to fill a small cavity or your child is extremely sensitive to mouth discomfort, a administer local anesthetic is used to ensure that your child is comfortable during the bonding process.

When filling cavities using the composite material, a local anesthetic to make sure your child is completely comfortable. Next, your dentist will prepare the tooth to accept the resin. This typically involves slightly roughing up the surface of the tooth and applying a small amount of binding agent. This helps ensure that the composite resin bonds to the tooth.

Your dentist will then mix the resin and carefully apply it to the tooth. During the application process, the resin will be shaped so that it resembles your other child’s teeth. Once the appearance is ideal, the composite resin will be cured using an ultraviolet light.

Finally, your dentist will file and smooth the resin for a completely finished look. The entire process typically takes about 30 to 60 minutes per tooth, and once the resin has hardened, you can expect it to last between three and seven years. If your child needs other dental services, like teeth cleaning and x-rays, these can be performed during the same dental appointment.

Further Treatment

In some instances, your child may need the advanced services of an orthodontist in order to improve the appearance of the teeth. If upon examining your child’s teeth and mouth and consulting with you, this is determined to be the best course of action, we will refer you to the orthodontist right next to our office.

Visiting Dr. Maggie Davis To Improve Your Child’s Smile

Our pediatric dentist, Dr. Maggie Davis, offers tooth bonding for children. If you’re looking for “pediatric dentist near me” in Palm Harbor Florida, look no further than Dr. Maggie Davis. She offers all types of pediatric dental services, including dental checkups, tooth bonding, and fillings. She even offers dental services for special needs children. To schedule your child’s next appointment, give us a call at 727-786-7551.

Correcting Tongue and Lip Tie with a Soft-Tissue Laser

June 4, 2019

Some children are born with a very small amount of soft tissue that prevents the child from engaging in certain everyday activities. This problem can be corrected with a quick, easy soft-tissue laser surgery.

The lingual frenulum is the thin strip of tissue that can be found underneath your tongue. This soft tissue essentially attaches the very bottom of your tongue to the floor of the mouth. In order to properly engage in certain activities, such as eating, drinking, and speaking, the tongue and lips need to be able to freely move around.

Correcting Problems with Lip or Tongue Tie Surgery

Lip or tongue tie surgery is designed to clip the small amount of soft tissue that is preventing the tongue or lips from moving freely. This surgical procedure, which uses a soft-tissue laser, is the preferred method of treatment for lip and tongue ties because it can be done in the comfort of a pediatric dental office.

No anesthesia is required for this type of surgery. Instead, a pediatric dentist will administer a small amount of local anesthetic to the tongue or lip area. The local anesthetic will numb the area and prevent your child from experiencing any pain.

Once the area is properly numbed, your pediatric dentist will use a soft-tissue laser to neatly cut the excess tissue that is holding the tongue in place.

No Stitches or Bleeding is Involved

Mos pediatric dentists prefer soft-tissue surgery to other treatment options for lip or tongue tie is because it doesn’t require stitches. There is also little bleeding involved after the procedure.

Stitches are not used because the laser neatly and precisely cuts the soft tissue. Making such a small incision eliminates the need for stitches. The small incision also prevents any excessive bleeding from occurring during the procedure.

Preventing Future Problems by Choosing to Undergo Lip Tie or Tongue Tie Surgery

Having your child undergo lip tie or tongue tie surgery can help prevent them from experiencing a number of problems with their oral health and speech.

Some of the problems that are corrected with this type of surgery include:

  • Inability to get proper nutrition due to not being able to breastfeed properly
  • Pain and discomfort that occurs when breastfeeding
  • Difficulty with making the proper sounds of certain words and letters
  • Difficulty removing plaque and food particles from around the gum line
  • Challenges with eating or enjoying certain activities such as playing instruments, eating ice cream, or licking lips

Lip and Tongue Tie Release Surgery is Relatively Painless

Lip tie and tongue tie surgery are not completely pain-free. Slight pain and discomfort can follow the completion of this type of surgery. Luckily, the pain and discomfort only last 24 to 48 hours.

If your child does experience any pain or discomfort from surgery, some ways to relieve pain include:

  • Applying a cold compress to the mouth area
  • Providing your child with cool – not extremely cold – drinks or foods
  • Breastfeeding – breastfeeding provides a natural sense of comfort to the child that helps reduce any pain and discomfort
  • Giving your child over-the-counter pain relievers – speak with your doctor or pediatric dentist before giving your child any medications

If you notice your child is experiencing pain or discomfort when eating or speaking, you may want to schedule an appointment with a pediatric dentist to discuss lip or tongue tie surgery. A pediatric dentist can conduct a quick oral examination and determine if a lip or tongue tie is causing the problems.

Call Dr. Maggie Davis to Discuss Your Child’s Options

Looking for a pediatric dentist in Palm Harbor? Dr. Davis is an experienced pediatric dentist who can help you discuss your child’s options with soft tissue laser treatment for tongue and lip tie. Contact Dr. Maggie Davis today to see if your child could benefit from our services!

Not sure if your child is suffering from tongue and lip tie?

Take Our Free Infant Frenum Assessment Today!

What to Do When Your Child Has a Cavity

May 16, 2019

Cavities tend to happen when you least expect it. You take your child in for a regular routine dental check-up, just to be surprised when the dentist tells you that your child has a cavity. Now, what do you do?

Don’t Panic or Get Upset

It is extremely important that you don’t panic or get upset when you discover that your child has a cavity. Cavities can happen to anyone, at any time. Even children who regularly brush and floss on a daily basis can get cavities.

When the dentist tells you of your child’s cavity, remain calm. If your child appears upset by the news, reassure them that it is okay and that there isn’t anything to worry about.

If you are unsure how to act or react to your child getting a cavity, you can always follow the lead of the staff at the dentist’s office. Most pediatric dental office staff members have experience explaining to children about upcoming dental procedures.

Get the Cavity Filled

Parents often believe that if a cavity occurs to a baby tooth, there isn’t really a need to have it filled. Unfortunately, that isn’t a good decision.

A baby tooth should be filled, even if it’s about to fall out. If the cavity is not corrected in a timely manner, you put your child at risk of experiencing an extremely painful dental abscess or damage may occur to their surrounding teeth. A dental abscess and damage to surrounding teeth can be costly to correct.

Work to Identify Ways to Prevent Cavities

After your child experiences their first cavity, it is a good idea to work on identifying ways that you can prevent future cavities. There are a number of things you can do to help prevent future cavities from happening to your child. 

Some ways you can prevent future cavities include:

  • Encourage your child to brush at least two times a day and floss daily
  • Teach your child the proper brushing and flossing technique
  • Supervise your child’s brushing and flossing – this will help you identify if your child is missing sections of their mouth and will help you make sure they are brushing and flossing properly
  • Encourage your child to eat a healthy diet filled with fruits and vegetables
  • Keep your child properly hydrated by having them drink plenty of water
  • Avoid extremely sugary foods – it is okay to eat sugary foods in moderation, but remind your child to brush their teeth at least 20 minutes after eating sugary foods
  • Limit the amount of acid or sugary drinks your child consumes
  • Limit the amount of candy or food that sits in your child’s mouth – foods such as suckers, hard candies, and sugary gum can increase your child’s risk of developing a cavity
  • Consider having your child’s permanent teeth treated with a protective sealant
  • Schedule regular routine dental checkups
  • Get your child’s teeth professionally cleaned every four to six months
  • Make sure your child is getting the right amounts of fluoride – fluoride will not only strengthen your child’s teeth but will also reverse minor damage caused by tooth decay

Think Your Child Has a Cavity? Schedule an Appointment with a Pediatric Dentist

If you believe your child may have a cavity, Dr. Maggie Davis can help. Dr. Maggie Davis is an experienced pediatric dentist who can help improve the oral health of your child. Dr. Davis will not only assess your child’s case and provide treatment recommendations, but she will help you learn ways you can prevent cavities from happening in the future.

In addition to treating cavities, Dr. Maggie Davis can also help with everything from space maintenance and interceptive orthodontics, to emergency tooth extractions. Call our office to learn more about the dental services provided by Dr. Maggie Davis, or to schedule an appointment for your child.

All About Silver Diamine Fluoride

April 15, 2019

Oh no! You just discovered that your child has a cavity that needs to be treated. Before you automatically jump to conclusions and assume that your child is going to have to sit through drilling, filling, and sedation, you might want to look into a relatively new treatment option for cavities – silver diamine fluoride.

What is Silver Diamine Fluoride?

Silver diamine fluoride is a thin liquid that can be used to stop the progression of tooth decay that is causing a cavity. The liquid is quickly and painlessly brushed onto the area where the cavity is forming. Once the growth of the tooth decay is stopped, the cavity will not grow in size.

The Benefits of Silver Diamine Fluoride

The use of silver diamine fluoride is growing in popularity due to its numerous benefits. Some of the benefits of this non-invasive procedure include:

  • No need for sedation – the procedure takes seconds so there is no need to sedate a child to make them sit still
  • No drilling involved
  • Painless – fluoride is brushed onto the tooth and most children barely notice it
  • High success rate – silver diamine fluoride has a high success rate when it comes to stopping the progression of a cavity

The Downside to Silver Diamine Fluoride

Like any dental procedure, there are benefits and drawbacks to choosing to use silver diamine fluoride to treat your child’s cavity.

 The first major drawback is discoloration. When the silver diamine fluoride is brushed onto the tooth, it actively works to stop tooth decay that is causing the cavity. The area where the cavity was will turn a dark blackish color. This discoloration won’t harm your child’s oral health, but it could make them feel self-conscious if the large black stain is visible when your child smiles.

Another downside to using silver diamine fluoride to treat cavities is the need to monitor the cavity. Your child’s dentist will need to regularly monitor the area where the silver diamine fluoride was applied. The dentist will be looking for any signs that the tooth decay has continued to spread and is causing additional cavities.

Other drawbacks include:

  • Inability to fully restore the strength of the tooth
  • Need to have the fluoride reapplied
  • Problems may develop with your child’s bite if they continue to avoid the area where the cavity was while eating and chewing

Who is a Good Candidate for the Use of Silver Diamine Fluoride?

Silver diamine fluoride may be a good treatment option for cavities if your child has any of the following features:

  • Younger children – this non-invasive cavity treatment option is great for younger children who may not be able to sit still for the entire filling process. Instead of having them sedated, this non-invasive procedure allows for the cavity to be properly treated
  • Special needs or sensory disorders – children who may have sensory disorders and other special needs will find this quick, painless procedure easy to endure
  • A cavity that formed in a baby tooth
  • A cavity that formed in a permanent back tooth
  • A cavity that isn’t too deep

Speak with a Pediatric Dentist to See if Silver Diamine Fluoride is a Good Option for Your Child

Dr. Maggie Davis is a pediatric dentist who offers silver diamine fluoride as a treatment option for cavities. Not every child is going to be a good candidate for the use of silver diamine fluoride to treat a cavity. If your child is not a good candidate for this dental treatment, Dr. Davis can provide you with treatment recommendations that will improve your child’s oral health.

Call the office of Dr. Maggie Davis today to schedule an appointment for a pediatric dental checkup for your child or to ask any questions you may have about silver diamine fluoride.

Dental Care for Special Needs Children

March 13, 2019

Children who have special needs often have unique oral health issues. Symptoms of their condition, oral sensitivity, taking certain medications, diet, and difficulty eating can all contribute to dental concerns. Behavioral or medical problems may result in dental care taking a back seat at times. However, children with special needs have a greater risk for oral health problems, so it’s not only essential to ensure you’re practicing good dental hygiene at home with your child, but your child also needs to get routine dental care from a dentist.   


Dental Concerns for Children with Special Needs

Many children with special needs have dental problems related to their health condition or the treatments for their condition.

For example, your child’s condition could be affecting:

  • The amount of saliva your child’s mouth makes (Saliva protects teeth and clears away food)
  • How oral structures and teeth grow
  • The way calcium is laid down on the enamel of the teeth as they grow
  • What and how often your child can eat (note: children with G-tubes still are at risk for tartar buildup and cavities)

Some of the most common dental concerns affecting children with special needs include:

  • Teeth grinding – Your child could be grinding his teeth during the teeth or while sleeping, and grinding may damage teeth over time.
  • Holding food in their mouth – Some children hold food in their cheeks or their mouth, a condition known as food pouching. This can make it easier for bacteria to grow and cause cavities.
  • Dry mouth – Medications or your child’s condition could affect saliva production and cause dry mouth. This can lead to gum disease, tooth decay, and oral infections.
  • Delay of tooth eruption – Sometimes the teeth take a longer time to come in for children with special needs. This is often seen in children who have Down syndrome.
  • Bad breath – Sinusitis, diabetes, some medications, and digestive problems may all lead to bad breath.


Choosing a Dentist Who Offers Special Supports for Special Needs Children

It’s critical that you follow good oral health practices at home with your child, but it’s also essential to make sure your child gets into the dentist for routine checkups and cleanings. Of course, this can come with unique challenges, so you’ll want to find a dentist who offers special supports to accommodate children with special needs. Finding the right dentist for your child requires balancing the dentist’s experience with your child’s needs. Take time to visit or call a dentist to find out if they have worked with other children who have your child’s condition. Talk to the practice about the special supports needed by your child. Some of the special supports to look for include:

  • Accessibility – Find out if the areas both outside and inside the dentist’s office are easily accessible for your special needs child. Does your child use a wheelchair? You’ll need to ensure that there’s a wheelchair ramp to enter the practice and that the wheelchair will easily fit into the exam room.  
  • Pre-Appointments – Ask about pre-appointments. They allow your child to meet with the dentist, visit the exam room, and see the dental equipment. Pre-appointments can help your child feel a lot more comfortable with the office, resulting in better cooperation during the appointment.
  • Previous Experience – Does the dental staff have experience working with children with special needs? Ask about previous experience and strategies they’ve developed to help support special needs children. Experienced dentists will be able to provide you with helpful home care advice that enables you to improve your child’s overall oral health.
  • Available Sedation – Is sedation available? Some children may require mild sedation while others might need general anesthesia. Talk to the dentist to find out what options are available and the sedation options he or she would recommend for your child’s needs.
  • Special Training – Does the dentist have any specialized training for treating children who have special needs? Many pediatric dentists do have specialized training, and that’s a benefit for you and your child.


Good dental care is crucial for your child’s overall health and wellbeing. Look for a dentist who can work with you and your child to achieve good oral health. Together you can work with your child’s dentist to prevent potential problems and keep your child’s teeth and gums as healthy as possible so they can live their best life.


All About the Tooth Fairy on National Tooth Fairy Day!

February 28, 2019

The tooth fairy does a lot for children all over the world. She gathers up baby teeth and leaves a special treat or surprise for them. To show her how much we appreciate all the hard work she does, people have decided to create a holiday just for the tooth fairy. That holiday is known as National Tooth Fairy Day.   

Here is a Little Secret! There are Two National Tooth Fairy Days

We are going to let you in on a little secret. The tooth fairy is so beloved by children – and adults – all over the world that she has not just one special holiday, but she has two!

National Tooth Fairy Day is celebrated on February 28 and August 22. That gives you two chances to celebrate this lovely fairy who goes around collecting teeth and leaving treats or money for children!

Who is the Tooth Fairy?

The tooth fairy is a mythical creature who is believed to help children celebrate the loss of their baby teeth. When a baby tooth is lost, a child will take the tooth and carefully hide it under their pillow. While they are sleeping, the tooth fairy will come in the night, take the tooth, and leave a present which can be candy, toys, or even money.

How is National Tooth Fairy Day Celebrated?

There really is no right or wrong way to celebrate National Tooth Fairy Day. It really all depends on your children and what they like to do.

Some ways to celebrate National Tooth Fairy Day include:

  • Teaching children the story of the tooth fairy and talking to them about what she does
  • Asking children to draw a picture of what they think the tooth fairy looks like
  • Talking to children about what they would like to get from the tooth fairy when they lose their teeth
  • Making a tiny tooth fairy pillow that will hold their lost tooth safely
  • Watching a movie that features the tooth fairy – Rise of the Guardians and Tooth Fairy are two of our favorite family-friendly movies about the tooth fairy

Talk to Children about How to Properly Care for Their Teeth

National Tooth Fairy Day gives you a great opportunity to talk to your child about how to properly care for their teeth. In fact if you want to get really creative you can make the oral health care tips you provide tooth fairy themed!

Some things you will want to focus on when teaching children how to properly care for their teeth include:

  • Brushing at least twice a day – it would be ideal if children were encouraged to brush their teeth after every meal, but they should be told they need to brush their teeth twice a day
  • Flossing at least once a day – focus on teaching children the proper flossing technique so that teeth and gums are cleaned without being damaged or harmed
  • Teaching proper tooth brushing techniques
  • Talking about the importance of using the right amount of toothpaste and choosing the right toothbrush
  • Talking about the importance of eating plenty of fruits and vegetables
  • Talking about how to reduce or eliminate the amount of sugar, candy, sodas, and sugary beverages that are consumed
  • Discussing the importance of visiting the dentist regularly for annual checkups and professional cleanings

Schedule an Appointment for Your Child with a Pediatric Dentist

National Tooth Fairy Day serves as a great reminder to make sure you have schedule an appointment for your child to see a pediatric dentist. Looking for a pediatric dentist? If so, call Dr. Maggie Davis.

Dr. Maggie Davis is an experienced pediatric dentist who provides a wide variety of dental services to children of all ages. Dental services Dr. Maggie Davis currently provides include routine checkups and professional cleanings, emergency dental appointments, fillings, root canals, tooth extractions, teeth whitening, and orthodontics. Call her office today to schedule an appointment for your child. We look forward to welcoming you and your child to our dental family!

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