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How To Encourage Healthy Habits

September 16, 2015

Dr. Maggie’s goal is to turn each of her awesome patients into tooth-loving tots as soon as possible. But even if they’ve been seeing her since they were toddlers, some kids just don’t like to brush their teeth. As parents, you know that keeping those primary teeth clean and healthy is extremely important to their growth and development. If your child is going through a no-brushing phase, here are some tips to help encourage healthy habits.

One reason kids don’t enjoy brushing and flossing is because they have to stand in one spot for a long time to get the job done correctly. Making these two minutes twice a day is fun and easy if you play music for your child to brush to. Choose a fun two-minute song and boogie while you brush.

Children also love to watch their parents, so brush your teeth when they brush theirs. By showing your child how you brush your teeth, they’ll want to be just like dad and brush their teeth while he’s brushing his.

Kids also love to see their progress. A brushing calendar is a great way to get your tots excited about brushing their teeth. Simply divide calendar days in two and have your child place a sticker each time they brush and floss. Positive reinforcement with books, or a new toothbrush, are great rewards to encourage your child to continue with this healthy habit.

There are many ways you can encourage your children to form healthy oral habits. If you have any questions about how to help your child enjoy brushing their teeth, ask Dr. Maggie today!

Curing Cavities with Composites

August 31, 2015

At Dr. Maggie Davis’s office we do our best to teach children how to take care of their teeth, so they don’t get cavities. However sometimes, even when kids keep up good oral hygiene, they can still get a cavity. While we can’t really “cure” a cavity, the pediatric dentists that work with Dr. Maggie Davis can prevent one from decaying further by filling it up with our favorite material: Composite resin.

Composite filings are the tooth-colored fillings we prefer to use. Not only are they inconspicuous, they are easy to apply and are better than silver fillings because we don’t have to remove as much tooth to place them.

Here’s how they work:

  • We numb the tooth so your child won’t feel a thing.
  • Next, we remove only the decayed portion of the tooth.
  • We paint a bonding material into the cavity.
  • Next, come the layers of composite resin.
  • A special light cures the resin and bonds the filling in place.
  • Dr. Maggie then shapes, and polishes the filling so it looks just like your child’s tooth.

Cavities are no fun, but with Dr. Maggie Davis your child is in good hands when it comes time to fill them. Scheduling your child’s appointments at regular intervals can tip us off to cavities before they become severe, and help keep your child’s chompers clean and cavity free. Schedule your appointment today.



Welcome to Your First Visit!

August 25, 2015

Pediatric dentistry is extremely important, but many parents don’t realize that it should start as soon as you start seeing little teeth in your child’s mouth. Dr. Maggie Davis’s office recommends, along with the American Academy of Pediatricians, that you should bring your baby to the dentist as soon as their first tooth erupts. While this may seem a bit early for dental treatment, this appointment is very important for your child. Here are a few things you can expect at your child’s first appointment and why we believe they are so important to your child’s development.

  • The first appointment is really to get your child acquainted with the office and their new dentist. They’ll get to play in the playroom, see all the fun tools we’ll be using to clean their teeth. Including Mr. Tickle, our tooth polisher. They’ll even get to play in the chair while meeting Dr. Maggie.
  • Maggie will check out that brand new tooth and coach you on how to keep this one, and the ones that will soon follow, clean and healthy. She’ll also go over healthy eating habits, developmental milestones, and how you can keep your child’s teeth clean in between visits.
  • After all this fun, you and your child get leave our office with a whole bunch of new friends that you will get to see every six months.

There is no such thing as a silly question at Dr. Maggie Davis Pediatric Dentistry. This first visit is for you to ask all the questions you can think of ,and to meet a very important person who can aid in your child’s development. Please bring your questions. We cannot wait to meet you and your baby, and start this lifelong journey to impeccable oral health.

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